21st century slaves.



Rise slave, its 6 a.m.

You only know this because your government subsidized wiretap you keep ever so close at all times woke you to tell you so. SHOULD you need it, the best Slaves have graduated such a need. Their circadean rhythms melded and in perfect sync to their Slave positions. Their eyes fluttering open effortlessly as the clock strikes 6, ready to slave.

It's nearly time to wage, Slave.

As you rise the thoughts, transgressions, and situational-spillover from your slaving days previous coming flooding in like a tidal wave crashing in to the rocks of your mind - already clouding your thoughts and keeping the tune of your mindset perfectly set for continual slaving.

This is where the illusion of choice that coddles every slave into complatentcy begins.

What first Slave? Which predetermined path is first on the docket today?

Do you soak your body in government-controlled body cleaning chemicals in a fluoride shower? Or should you need to consume your government-controlled - subsizdized & chemically altered food to ensure you have the required energy for slaving? Or should you rebel...?.... misallocating your time only to cram in your required slaving prep in all at last minute before you suit up into your monkey suit uniform required for slaving?

No matter which you should 'choose' Slave, they all end at the same place.

The commute to your slave ship:

Should you be one of the more fortunate slaves and have a automobile each of those paths end with you plopping into your car and entering the rats maze. The other rats on the road are doing the same thing you are, the final step of slaving prep - the commute to their slave ship. Should your city be metropolitan enough you have the pleasure of seeing the lesser fortunate of the rats dodging cars, and clinging to the sidewalks like trains on a track. Busses cautiously holding steady to their course - delivering slaves across the city as the more impatient of the rats in cars bob, weave, and cut around the busses in an attempt to get their ship ever so faster. Bikes cutting the line between pedestrian and vehicle ever so thin, weaving, jumping, and cutting through the other rats to get to their ship. All of these methods of travel come with the same risk(s) to the Slave: Grave bodily harm.

All to make to your slave ship on time.

The Slaves servitude:

Once the you've made it to your ship - the next phase of your day begins Slave; your servitude. No matter which rung of society you cling to (no matter how high or low amongst the Slaves. ) your experience will be the same conceptually though obvious not the same in physical experience - the lower Slaves on the rungs are much more physical in their servitude and serve in much lesser positions compared to those Slaves higher on the rungs in the more 'white collar' Slave positions. Your position on the rungs all depends on your families Slaving before you. Should you be born into a poorer family? You're likely to end end up lower on the rungs and the inverse for those higher on the rung. Either way nearly all paths conceptually go the same way: Working 2/3s of your life to finally obtain the PERMISSION to retire. As of writing this within the USA and parts of Western EU - the retirement ages are all 60+.

The Slave finally obtains the PERMISSION to retire:

Congratulations Slave, you've done it - you've spent 2/3s of your life paying taxes, filling the pockets of your masters, holding your servitude dear, and running the rat race. Prepare Slave, for your greatest wishes are coming true before your very eyes! You're in your 60's - entering the 'autumn' of your life and you revel in it, savoring every moment of your new found freedom doing what you finally couldn't! ````Relaxation, Tranquility, Exploration and boundless self discovery awaits you Slave - SHOULD you have been on your bestest behavior this whole time - not foolishly spending your money on living and luxuries throughout your life or spent consuming things/doing things detrimental to your fickle being. 2/3s of your life on the wrong rung paints a scary picture Slave; your body a husk of what it once was tagged on with whatever physical ailments youve picked up from your servitude along the way -- all that being said taking into account you don't have any genetic ailments from birth; should you, know your rung/servitude greatly differs depending on where it takes place in the world, some good fates and some extremely horrible fates can transpire for such Slaves.


These next chapters will be from the perspective of the narrator speaking to an onlooker, unfamiliar with this world.

CHAPTER I: The illusion of the Slaves reality.
